Achromatopsia is a non-progressive and hereditary visual disorder which is characterized by decreased vision, light sensitivity, and the absence of color vision. In the U.S. it affects about 1 in every 33,000 people. This means there are approximately 2000 people in the UK with Achromatopsia.
There are 2 types of Achromatopsia, rod monochromatism and blue cone monochromatism.
What are the Symptoms?
There are three main symptoms of Achromtopsia:
‘Day blindness‘ or Hemeralopia is the most significant symptom of Achromatopsia.
Severe colour blindness – to the extent where patients can effectively only see in ‘black & white’.
Reduced vision – the high concentration of cone cells at the fovea enables the ability to see fine detail. The absence or significant reduction in cones, results in a reduction in vision. However, other factors also add to play a role in vision reduction as nystagmus (where the eyes are oscillate continuously).