You may have noticed things getting blurred at near or having to push things further away to see them. That’s because of Presbyopia [pres-be-yo-pee-ya]. It happens to everyone and no-one can escape its grasp! Vision can be corrected with progressive spectacle lenses. However, what most people are unaware of is that contact lenses can also correct presbyopia. As a result, you can have far greater independence from reading glasses.

How Do They Work?
There are many different multifocal designs available in daily, 2-weekly and monthly replacement. Multifocal designs provide graduated zones of focus in the contact lens infront of you eye. Your eye automatically picks out the correct focussing zone and vision is significantly improved at near and middle distances. The lenses will also correct distance vision if you need glasses for far.
The main benefit of modern multifocal lenses isn’t t just the design but the huge flexibility they offer.
How Do They Work?
There are many different multifocal designs available in daily, 2-weekly and monthly replacement. Multifocal designs provide graduated zones of focus in the contact lens infront of you eye. Your eye automatically picks out the correct focussing zone and vision is significantly improved at near and middle distances. The lenses will also correct distance vision if you need glasses for far.
The main benefit of modern multifocal lenses isn’t t just the design but the huge flexibility they offer.

Flexible Wear
You don’t have to wear contact lenses full-time anymore. Multifocal contact lenses are available as daily disposable replacement lenses. This means you can choose to wear them as and when you need. Being daily disposable, there’s no solutions so you simply throw the lenses away at the end of the day.